Canton St. Gallen Cancellations and seals
Canton St. Gallen Cancellations and seals
Canton St. Gallen Cancellations and seals
Canton Uri Cancellations and seals
Canton Wallis Cancellations and seals
Canton Uri Cancellations and seals
Canton Wallis Cancellations and seals
Canton Uri Cancellations and seals
Canton Wallis Cancellations and seals
Switzerland standing Helvetia Cancellations and seals
Switzerland UPU Cancellations and seals
Switzerland standing Helvetia Cancellations and seals
Switzerland UPU Cancellations and seals
Switzerland standing Helvetia Cancellations and seals
Switzerland UPU Cancellations and seals
Switzerland Defintives after 1907 Cancellations and seals
Switzerland Defintives after 1907 Cancellations and seals
Switzerland Defintives after 1907 Cancellations and seals
