Switzerland Canton Genf Cancellations and seals
Switzerland Canton Genf Cancellations and seals
Switzerland Canton Genf Cancellations and seals
Canton de Berne Sheet margins / corners
Canton de Berne Sheet margins / corners
Canton de Berne Sheet margins / corners
Canton d’Argovie Sheet margins / corners
Canton de Zoug Pre-philately
Canton d’Argovie Sheet margins / corners
Canton de Zoug Pre-philately
Canton d’Argovie Sheet margins / corners
Canton de Zoug Pre-philately
Canton de Schaffhouse Railway stamps
Canton de Zurich Specialties
Canton de Schaffhouse Railway stamps
Canton de Zurich Specialties
Canton de Schaffhouse Railway stamps
Canton de Zurich Specialties
Canton de Vaud Specialties
Canton de Fribourg Specialties
Canton de Vaud Specialties
Canton de Fribourg Specialties
Canton de Vaud Specialties
Canton de Fribourg Specialties
Canton de Thurgovie Bulk lot
Canton de Thurgovie Bulk lot
Canton de Thurgovie Bulk lot
